Fernando Alonso on Ferrari

OK – enough tech let’s get to the good stuff – Formula One – it has been a ridiculous season so far. One thing that is keeping me interested is whether or not Fernando Alonso will jump to Ferrari mid-season. He is rumored to have a deal to join the Scuderia next year – I would guess it is Kimi’s seat that is on the line.

In this interview Fernando is – well – so critical of slow cars – which he has suffered with at Renault – but so constructor neutral – so hopeful for the future of all the teams that are having terrible seasons this year under the new regulations.

I liked this quote from the formula1.com site

Q: How about Ferrari, are you surprised by their performance? FA: I think we expect Ferrari to perform well in every championship. When you start the season in Australia and you ask for the favourite team people always say Ferrari because they have been the top team for the last ten years. But obviously Formula One is different this year. I think Ferrari is a strong team in general, like McLaren, and also like Renault, and we will come back. We will improve our car as well and be at the level of the top teams, and Ferrari will do the same.

Friday Practice in Bahrain is over and Fernando is #2 – pretty quick – Felipe and Kimi are at the back of the pack. Such is the way in F1.

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